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Understanding and Using Financial Information

This course will provide students with an overview of the role of financial information in society and in their own lives. It will increase awareness of ethical and public policy issues. Content includes an exploration of the uses of financial information in decision making from the perspectives of managers, owners, creditors, governments, and other users. This is followed by an examination, in more detail, of issues involving income, cash flow, and economic resources from either management or owners' and creditors' points of view. The focus is "learning to learn" based on an interactive environment as well as individual efforts. Integral to this approach is the extensive use of real financial statement data. Throughout the course students will use excerpts from annual reports of corporations, reprinted as they originally appeared. Students will have ample opportunity to develop analytical and problem-solving skills as well as communication skills. Cross-listed with ADMN 1126. (lec 3) cr 3. Students cannot retain credit for both COMM 1106 and ACCT 1001.

Business Administration